January 25, 2021
Livelihood strengthening
NIWCYD reach out in about 4000 villages in rural and tribal areas. In 200 villages the food security of the people has increased from 4-5 months to 8-10 months.
Village level cope up mechanisms like grain and seed banks and village funds have been developed and strengthened in 200 villages. The strategies adopted by NIWCYD in livelihood strengthening are:
- Model resource development
- Developing linkages with the government programmes and schemes
- Influencing government policies
- Alliances with like minded organizations and stakeholders.
Women Empowerment
- Around 150,000 women mobilized under different awareness programmes.
- Formed 1500 women Self Help Groups in the tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhatisgarh.
- Promoting 2600 women SHGs for livelihood and IGP in 11 districts of East Maharashtra.
- Around 1000 women have been trained in different skills and entrepreneurs.
- Around 500 SHGs started Income Generation Programmes. Most of the IGPs are related to agro allied and forest based.
- 248 SHGs linked with banks.
- Increased women participation in the village assembly meetings from 0-5% to 40%-50% in 600 villages. The strategies adopted by NIWCYD in women empowerment are:
- Mobilizing and organizing women groups
- Capacity building of women in participation at decentralized governance, addressing household level and community level social issues
- Capacity building in skills and education and working towards creating opportunities for their better working and work culture
- Sensitizing male (counterparts) towards gender equity, socio-cultural issues and creation of environment
Education and Child Labor
- Over 3000 Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe children have been brought up to primary level through the Creche cum Nutrition Programme.
- Over 15000 drop out children in the school going age has been streamlined into formal education system through Bridge support.
- Educationally backward children from the 111 schools of Zila Parishad in the Vidarbha have been encouraged to be at par with the normal children in those schools.
- 30% (120 out of 400) girl child labors workings in the stone crusher units and migrating for the work in the Jabalpur area have been withdrawn from the hazardous working situation.
- 400 child labor and rack pickers linked with primary education programme.
- 1000 children rehabilitated in to their homes.
Community Institution Building
- Capacity building of grass root CBOs on right based issues & management.
- Campaign for right to livelihood of the people displaced due to dams and National parks.
- Formed and strengthened around 200 Village Development Committees (VDC) for livelihood.
- Networking with different NGOs on livelihood issues.
- Formation of around 1000 gramdoots in remote tribal and rural areas.
- 13 block level gramdoot associations formed for linkage of different government schemes. The strategies adopted for this are:
- Forming/Fostering institutions as vehicles of change
- Forming/fostering new forms of community institutions for action
- Building Overarching Advocacy systems
- Information-Knowledge Transfer and Sharing (IKTS)
- (Creation of) new Social Action Groups (SAG)
- (Creation of) new non-party political leadership
- Developing bank linkages.
- Linking with the schemes of the government and different financial institutions.
- Developing guidelines for financial management of self help groups.
- Supportive supervision of the groups.